Asset Managers Are from Mars, Investors Are from Venus (Part 2 – A Space-Walk Down to Earth)

In the first part of this post, I wrote about how differently asset managers and investors react to stressfull situations, with the retreat to the cave of the ones contrasting with the need for increased communication and transparency of the others. Continue reading

Asset Managers Are from Mars, Investors Are from Venus (Part 1)

I feel I have been thinking about this for a long time and hinted to at least part of it here and there…. But I realize I have never spelled it clearly, or not in a language that would have been easy to understand for everyone. Continue reading

Pink Floyd’s Private Equity Songs

The temptation of another private equity musical license was too strong to resist – the titles of some of the most famous songs and albums of one of my favorite rock groups may seem to have been made on purpose to introduce and comment upon certain highly debated arguments in the PE industry. Continue reading

The PE S-Curve, Stumbled Upon

Unexpectedly last week, I stumbled upon an S-Curve hidden between the lines of a study released by an established private equity funds of funds firm with a cautious introductory question: “do private equity funds sometimes just run out of steam?Continue reading

Introducing the [α + β-Cen] Reports

I am pleased to introduce first issue (number 0 in beta) of the [α + β-Cen] Reports whose objective is to provide “rational and quantitative” valuation indications and forecasting references to private markets’ fund investors. Continue reading

Fair Value, DaRC Transparency

A recent article from the Private Equity Manager’s Daily Digest titled “When is fair value not fair value?” provides interesting and sharable comments about the decision taken by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) to create a task force and deliver more granular rules for “valuing hard-to-price non-quoted companies”. Continue reading

Volatility Inhibits PME’s Meaningfulness

A recent post that summarises most of the history of the post-IRR performance calculation and valuation methodologies for the private capital industry has been written by Mr. Jesse Reyes, widely regarded as one of the leading experts of the field. Continue reading

Use the DaRC Room, Ye Who Venture Here

A very interesting post from Dan McCrum on the FT Alphaville blog, attractively titled “Abandon all hope, ye who venture here” unearths some truths, (is misled by and) fosters some consolidated misperceptions while opening up for some comments – a couple of which I made at the bottom of the post. Continue reading